
dagster-ray allows running jobs orchestrated by Dagster on Ray.

This combines Dagster’s rich orchestration capabilities with Ray’s close to instant job startup time, compute autoscaling and distributed workflows, without any overhead for the user.

The same Dagster code can be executed locally or on a remote Ray cluster. Local scripts can be immidiately executed in the cluster without redeploys.

Some of the implemented resources:

  • RunLauncher
  • Executor
  • IOManager
  • PipesClient

Some example code:

# default settings for launched Runs
  module: dagster_ray
  class: RayRunLauncher
    num_cpus: 1
    num_gpus: 0
from dagster import asset, AssetExecutionContext, Definitions
from dagster_ray import ray_executor, RayIOManager

        "dagster-ray/config": {
            "num_cpus": 32,
            "num_gpus": 1,
            "runtime_env": {"pip": {"packages": ["torch"]}},
def upstream(context: AssetExecutionContext) -> float:
    # a really heavy PyTorch computation
    import torch

    result = ...
    some_metric = ...

    context.add_output_metadata({"some_metric": some_metric})

    return result

def downstream(upstream: float): ...

definitions = Definitions(
    assets=[upstream, downstream],
    resources={"ray_io_manager": RayIOManager()},